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If you listen carefully ( Japanese : 耳をすませば, Mimi o sumaseba : English title Whisper of the Heart ? ) is an animated Japanese youth drama from 1995, based on Aoi Hiiragis manga series of the same name. Manganese was published in 1989 in shōjomangatidningen Ribon . The film was animated by Studio Ghibli with Yoshifumi Kondo as director and screenplay by Hayao Miyazaki . It was the 1995’s success in the Japanese cinema.
This is a youth story about the search for personal inspiration and it’s own path in life. The main characters are 14-year-old Shizuku, the steady old violin maker Seiji and a kattfigurin of German origin. Figurine standing in an antique shop that Shizuku happen on after she followed a definite and portly cat. Antique Business’s owner, figurine and a person who seems to borrow the same library books she helps to let Shizuku find something she really wants to do. In addition, she and considering how best to translate the lyrics to ” Take Me Home, Country Roads “to Japanese.
The action takes place in the 1990s in the new town of Tama , in the suburbs of Tokyo .
The main theme revolves around the budding relationship between the two main protagonists as well as the search for his way through Shizuku.
We note, secondary theme, a crossword lovers driven between young adolescents.
As often in films Miyazaki (who is not the director, but was very involved in the project), the theme of handwork and crafts can also be found in the background.
An avid reader, Shizuku Tsukishima regularly attends both the public library, where his father worked, than its college, including during school holidays, using for it for its good relations with the nurse.
During these readings, she notices through monitoring sheets that all the books she borrowed it previously by a Seiji Amazawa.
Shizuku Tsukishima with a talent for poetry, his friends asked him to adapt Japanese song Country Roads ; parallel to this adaptation, she also wrote on the same theme music parody song Concrete Road (concrete road) mocking its suburbs. After presenting these two versions to her friend Yuko Harada, forget it on a bench book containing the lyrics. Retracing his steps to retrieve it, she finds it in the hands of an unknown boy who makes him mocking his negligence and his parody song.
Shortly afterwards, she went to the public library to check out books but also bring his lunch to his father, Shizuku sees a cat take the train with her. Intrigued and amused by the behavior of the feline, she follows him to arrive, after some wandering in a small antique shop. She met the owner, a friendly old man.
Late, she rushed out of the shop and again encounters the mysterious boy, accompanied by the cat, who brings her bento forgotten in the antique, and mocks her again about her song.
Thereafter, she went several times back to the store where it is closed door.
She finally meets the boy mockingly, which turns out to be the grand-son of the antiquary, but also the famous Seiji Amazawa! On this occasion, Shizuku befriends with Seiji and learns that he is working to become a luthier and want to study this profession in Cremona .
When Seiji hand in Italy for a tryout in a luthier friend of his grandfather, Shizuku, ashamed not to have such ambitions, decides to write a novel during his absence. The topic was inspired by a statue with a high sentimental value to the grandfather of Seiji. It encourages Shizuku in his writing project and agree that it will be the first reader of the novel.
Shizuku then neglects his studies and falls underachievement. His family is worried about her chances of entering a good school especially since she refuses to reveal how she spends her time. Her parents finally leave freedom of choice by reminding him, however, that one who traces his own path can not blame himself for failure.
Once completed novel, the grandfather of the bed and Seiji ensures Shizuku his talent, comparing the defects of the work to the inevitable imperfections of the work of an apprentice. The grandfather tells the true story of the statue which has curious similarities with the story imagined by Shizuku and expresses his admiration for the fact that Shizuku has transformed a sad story in a hopeful story.
Shizuku, aware that she does not have the maturity to be a good writer, decides to acquire, resuming his studies and reassures his family about it.
Seiji returned from his first trip to Italy. His master luthier, deemed severe, can vouch for his talent with his parents, who left him leave to perform ten years of learning from this master. He declares his love to Shizuku tells him that his sense of reciprocity and promises to wait until his return.
The story begins during the summer holidays of 1994 in Tokyo and tells the story of Shizuku, common junior high student with a normal family: father, mother and sister university. Shizuku is fond of novels and often goes to the local library to borrow many books. One day in borrow some, he realizes that the card loans strangely always a last resort before her: Amasawa, and then begins to fantasize about who is this guy who seems to have his own literary tastes.
A few days later, during his usual visit to the library, he meets a strange cat on the subway and decided to follow him; the feline leads her into a neat and quiet neighborhood on the hill and goes into an antique shop. The elderly owner of the girl shows some of the treasures of his shop, including a strange clock and the statue of an anthropomorphic cat named Baron. Shizuku is also the knowledge of Seiji Amasawa, the nephew of the antiquarian, who is none other than the mysterious person who was reading his own books. Seiji loves music very much and the real goal of his life is to become a good luthier. As the days pass the friendship between Shizuku and Seji strengthens and deepens more and more until he leaves for a two-month internship in Cremona at a master luthier to test their skills and learn how to build violins. While waiting for his return, even Shizuku promises herself to test her skills by writing his first novel.
After an interview with his parents decided not to deal with high school, to “put to the test itself,” without revealing to anyone the work he is doing. Just finished the novel, which Baron as the protagonist, Shizuku leads the manuscript antiquarian, who reads it and is satisfied. After finishing his story, Shizuku finally decides to attend high school, happy with what she has been able to accomplish and loads to write new novels and continue their studies. At the end of the movie Shizuku wakes up in the night and sees Seiji, who was waiting for her bike. After a trip by bike, Seiji door Shizuku in his “secret place”, where the two admire the city and the rising sun. While the show takes place dawn, Seiji tells Shizuku his love and asks her if she would marry him one day, with emotion request accepted by Shizuku.

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