The Nightmare Before Christmas Free Download English HD

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The Nightmare Before Christmas Free Download English HD

The Nightmare Before Christmas (in Spain , Nightmare Before Christmas , in Latin America , The Nightmare Before Christmas ) 1 ) is a film American from 1993 directed by Henry Selick and produced by Tim Burton made ​​by the art of animation in volume (also known by the anglicized stop motion ). It is also an animated film a musical film , which along your footage the characters sing a number of songs .
The Nightmare Before Christmas was released in the U.S. on October 29, 1993 and was produced by Walt Disney Pictures , after cutting your footage more original part of the ‘dark’ content.
At the beginning of the film we are introduced to Halloween Town and its most famous celebrity, Jack Skellington ( Jack Skeleton in the Spanish version ), The Pumpkin King (The Pumpkin King) (although the songs was translated as “The King of Halloween”) . We see how, even though Jack is loved and respected by the citizens of the city suffer from depression because you are tired year after year to celebrate the festival of Halloween . In her misery, out walking aimlessly through a cemetery with his ghost dog, Zero . Later discovers a circle of trees that had seen before. Each tree has a representative door to the festival to which the city belongs to which it leads. Jack is immediately attracted to having the shape of a tree full of ornaments. When Jack opens the door to the Christmas tree , is transported to a town full of snow, light and happiness. Jack is overwhelmed with all the colors and joy fill the air, and realizes that’s what I was looking for.
After his return to Halloween Town , Jack calls the villagers to show his new plan. During this presentation, he teaches a number of artifacts have been brought from Christmas town. Unfortunately, the sense of beauty, surprise and delicacy of the inhabitants of Halloween differs from what is usually seen on Christmas. Frustrated by misunderstandings, Jack describes what happens in Christmas town in the only way that these can be understood: as a fat like red lobster has a deep voice and, riding in his sleigh being, crosses the sky like a vulture, and is called Holy Nails or Holy Dread ( Sandy Claws ). Disappointed by the failure of his friends to understand Christmas, Jack locks himself in his house and performs multiple experiments to try to understand the meaning of this.
Finally, convinced that believe Christmas is all that matters, and communicate them to all who will take over Christmas that year. Jack begins to assign tasks to people: a suit of Santa Claus made ​​by Sally , several reindeer skeletons back to life by the Dr. Finkelstein , toys made ​​by citizens … Just to complete this takeover, Jack enlists the help of a trio of young naughty called Lock, Shock and Barrel ; is abducted to Holy Nails or Holy Dread , as she calls Jack. After kidnapping the Easter Bunny by mistake (and return him to his home by Jack), the trio brings Santa to Jack, who tells them not to wear it with Oogie Boogie , but still end up doing it. Despite Jack’s efforts to make its joyous Christmas, others end up merging ideas for Christmas and Halloween, creating decorations and toys mixed both celebrations and disgusting to all persons aterrorizándolas a special day.
Sally , who is secretly in love with Jack, has a vision about disasters ahead and tries to warn him. He says to take control of Christmas can be a bad idea. Anyway, Jack is too excited to listen to their fantasies, so try to stop the departure of Jack creating a fog bank, but Zero Jack lights the way with its illuminated nose.
It’s Christmas Eve, and Jack embarks on his coffin sleigh with toys made ​​in Halloween Town to share with the world. Unfortunately, citizens of the real world do not like the toys that made ​​Jack’s friends, and start calling the police report attacks by these and a ‘flying skeleton. ” Shortly after, the military are called in to remove the fake Santa Claus, and begin to shoot Jack, going across the sky. Meanwhile, Sally is going to rescue Santa Claus to fix things. But during the rescue, ends up being captured by Oogie Boogie who perversely bet the lives of both. The other inhabitants of Halloween Town are witnessing how Jack is toppled, and, fearing the worst, begin to mourn his death.
Meanwhile, the inhabitants of the real world are informed that, because they can not find the real Santa Claus, Christmas has to be canceled. Once he regains consciousness in a graveyard and regretting what happened, Jack hears the news and realizes his mistakes. He realizes that his path in life is to be the Pumpkin King and swears to make next Halloween the best ever. In an effort to save Christmas, Jack returns to Halloween Town to save Santa Claus. Sneaking in Oogie’s lair to rescue both Sally and Santa Claus, and defeat Oogie, reveals that it is nothing more than a sack full of insects. Santa Claus informs Jack that can easily save Christmas after all is Santa Claus, and magically floats away from the fireplace and begins to restore things in the real world, replacing all present that Jack had left. Jack returns to Halloween Town to the delight of locals, and Santa is seen crossing the sky Halloween Town wishing you all a Happy Halloween while Jack responds with a Happy Christmas. Santa makes snow and all the inhabitants of Halloween Town eventually fill with holiday spirit with understanding.
In the end, Sally away from Halloween Town and up the hill from the cemetery, where it begins to pluck a flower. Behind her, Jack, who reveals his true feelings appears. The movie ends with Jack and Sally giving a kiss and Zero up to heaven, to leave a glow like a star.
The Nightmare Before Christmas Free Download English HD
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Movie Language: English
Movie Size 704 MB
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