The Boxtrolls English and Hindi Dubbed Dual Audio 300MB Download

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The Boxtrolls is a stop-motion film from 2014, based on the novel trilogy The Monster of Rattingen (eng. Here Be Monsters!) By Alan Snow, of the so far only the first two volumes have been published in Germany. The film was released on 23 October 2014 in the German cinemas.
In 1805, in the fictional town Cheese Bridge, there are rumors about the subterranean trolls called boxing Rolls, to kidnap and kill the young children. The exterminator Archibald Snatcher concludes an agreement with the mayor Lord Portley beef that he in spite of his severe allergy to cheese, which causes grotesque swelling, a seat in the cheese-loving city council, the White Hats, gets when he has destroyed every single boxing Roll.
In truth, the boxing Rolls are peaceful creatures, they like clothes carrying boxes (hence the name) and come out at night from the underground to rummage through the trash for useful things. In them a man lives called Eggs, a boxing Roll called Fish pulls him out. As Eggs is ten years old, he finds out horrified that Archibald Snatcher abducted The Boxtrolls.
Lord Portley-beef neglected daughter Winnie watched as Eggs ransacked two boxing Rolls the trash. Snatcher chasing the trio intercepts Fish. Devastated, located Eggs dressed up and sneaks back to the surface to find him. Eggs lands in the middle of a carnival, which is held annually to commemorate the eleven years ago disappeared “Trubshaw Baby” – it is said, The Boxtrolls had kidnapped and killed it. Disgusted by the inaccurate representation of the creatures by the townspeople he follows Winnie, as she leaves the carnival. She recognizes him as the boy she saw the night before, and leads him to Snatchers headquarters, an abandoned factory.
Eggs sneaks into the factory and found the imprisoned in a cage Fish. He freed him, but as they try to escape, they are caught again. Snatcher recognizes Eggs than Trubshaw baby and reveals that all detainees boxing Rolls are still alive and need to build a giant machine for him. Winnie is followed Eggs in the factory and overheard the conversation. Fish, Eggs and Winnie can escape and hide in the caves of boxing Rolls.
Winnie is overwhelmed when she learns the truth about the boxing and Rolls Eggs convinced that he is a man. Fish Eggs explains that his real father entrusted him to boxing Rolls when he was a baby, to protect him from Snatcher. Winnie promises Eggs help to convince Mayor Portley beef from the truth. At a ball, which is organized to commemorate the purchase of a huge whole cheese Eggs pushes the cheese on accidentally, so that it rolls into the river. Eggs outs himself at the party as the Trubshaw baby, but no one believes him and Lord Portley beef throws him out, because he has pushed the cheese into the river.
Eggs returns to the caves and tried the other boxing Rolls to convince them that they can save just before Snatcher by fleeing. Snatcher digs with the help of a built of the boxing machine Rolls in the caves, he captures the entire group and bring them back to the factory. Eggs awakes suspended in a cage, his real father, Herbert Trubshaw, who was kidnapped years ago by Snatcher and has since been held captive by him hanging upside down next to him on a wall. Eggs must watch as The Boxtrolls are stacked in a large press, he begs to run away, but the press is switched on and suppresses all cartons flat. Snatcher rides his bike to Lord Portley-beef house, he shows him the empty boxes as evidence of the destroyed boxing Rolls and requires Portley-beef white hat when he killed the last boxing Roll (Eggs, who is disguised as boxing Roll).
At this moment, The Boxtrolls meet with a Herbert, she had sneaked out of their boxes and were able to escape before the boxes were crushed. Snatcher trying blindly to tear by force fury Portley-beef hat, but Eggs, Herbert and The Boxtrolls deactivate a part of the machine. The two opponents are thrown off and land on the cheese wheel that has just been fished out of the river. The allergic to cheese Snatcher swells to a fearsome giant and gets Lord Portley-beef hat in exchange for his daughter Winnie; triumphantly he enters the cheese tasting room. He exploded after he ate the first bite of cheese.
The townspeople realize that boxing Rolls are not monsters and decide to live in peace with them. Winnie told the crowd the story of Snatchers end. Herbert and Eggs drive off in one of Snatchers apparatuses.
In June 2008 announced Laika on a number of projects, one of them a literary adaptation of Alan Snow’s novel Here Be Monsters!.  With the undecided animation technique was Anthony Stacci hired as director. On February 7, 2013 Laika divulged that the adaptation their next 3D movie would be “The Boxtrolls” with the name. Directed by Stacci and Graham Annable the film on September 26, 2014 should the United States launch. Focus Features holds the distribution rights, Universal Pictures released the film outside of America. 
The Boxtrolls English and Hindi Dubbed Dual Audio 300MB Download
Movie Language: English & Hindi (Dual Audio)
Movie Format:MKV 480P
Movie Size:311 MB
Download Link
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