Rise of the Guardians Full Movie Hindi English 480P


Rise of the Guardians Full Movie Plot

Rise of the Guardians Full Movie Starts With Several childhood heroes. Santa Claus , Easter Bunny , the Tooth Fairy and the Sandman are Custodians of dreams, protecting children, their dreams and hopes. Suddenly keepers playing against evil spirit boogeyman who wants to steal a very important thing – children’s dreams – and replace them with his nightmares, forcing children to believe that the Guardians do not exist. Moonfaced (Moon) elect a new Guardian, to help others, it is the restless spirit of winter Jack Frost .
It is delivered to the rest of the Guardians, and they explain the situation to him. At the same time, the Tooth Fairy castle servants Kromeshnika steal fairies assistants and children’s teeth. Keepers are trying to save them, but they arrive too late and save only one fairy. Tooth Fairy tells Jack that his baby teeth, and hence the memories of a past life, were also stolen. Then Jack can not agree with the Keepers: Jack helps them, and he returned to his memories.
Keepers decide to help the tooth fairy to collect baby teeth that children believe in fairy. But during one of these adventures Sandman dies, it absorbs the black sand Kromeshnika. Then the guys decide to help the Easter Bunny hide eggs for Easter. But once in his maze, they meet by chance got there girl. Preparing with her eggs, the Guardians decide to bring her home, but to do it is called Jack. He attributes the girl home, but when he hears a voice calling him. Despite pleas fairy helper stop, Jack goes to the voice, and comes in a shelter Kromeshnika.

Rise of The Guardians Download

Rise of The Guardians Full Movie in Hindi and English 300MB 480P Continues. After fighting Kromeshnikom, Jack still manages to take a box of memories, but, oddly enough, he gives it to him Kromeshnik. Kromeshnik suddenly smiled enigmatically and said, “Beware of …” Jack flies in terror to friends and stumbles upon a broken Easter eggs. Keepers meet his frustrated and asked where he was. Tooth Fairy observes that lost fairy helper, and Jack in her hand box with teeth. Keepers decide that he betrayed them. Jack can no longer remain with the Keepers and leaves.
Gradually the magic globe Keepers goes more and more lights children who still believe in magic.Jack yells him to leave him alone, and Boogeyman shows clenched in fist assistant Tooth Fairy and says that Jack gave him his staff, or the fairy will come to an end.Jack obeys, but do not want to let Kromeshnik fairy. She stabs him with his nose and Kromeshnik throws it into the abyss, and then breaks his staff Jack half.
Jack overpower together with his staff, he also throws into the abyss. Jack wakes up on the bottom of the abyss. Fairy helps him to open the box with teeth that all this time was Jack and he remembers that he was an ordinary boy. She and her sister went to skate on a frozen lake, but stumble on thin ice. Jack manages to save his sister, but he falls into the water and drowns, and then turns it into a moon-faced Ice Jack. After viewing these memories, Jack himself understands his true destiny and goes to Jamie, the only remaining child who still believes in magic. Free Link is give below for Rise of The Guardians Full Movie in Hindi Dubbed 300MB 480P Free Download.

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Rise of the Guardians Full Movie in Hindi and English 480P Free Download
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Movie Language: English and Hindi Dual Audio
Rise of The Guardians Download Size: 314 MB
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