Cars 3 English and Hindi Dual Audio HD 720P


Cars 3 English and Hindi Dual Audio HD 720P

Cars 3 or Cars 3 in Quebec , is the 138 th animated feature produced by Disney Studios and directed by Brian Fee , released in 2017 . It follows Cars ( 2006 ) and Cars 2 ( 2011 ).

This is the first realization of Brian Fee, who has worked on the storyboards for the first two opus 1 . The writer, Dan Gerson , died6 février 2016Sign here his latest screenplay for a film

Lightning McQueen must abandon the circuits after a terrible accident and as a new generation of cars high-tech , led by Storm Jackson, was sidelined. To not end up like his mentor Doc Hudson, so he began to regain confidence in him, helped by a coach a little awkward, Cruz Ramirez, and mentor to his late mentor Doc Hudson, Smokey.

McQueen is at his peak. Bobby Swift and Cal Weathers, they are the kings of the circuits of the Piston Cup . In a race and as the trio leads the young and ambitious Storm Jackson, ultra-technological vehicle back the pack exceeds three favorites and widely imposed. Gradually, the ” veterans “are being overwhelmed by the new generation and Flash happens to be one of the last old pacing circuits. After suffering several defeats, McQueen, at the last race of the competition, is so obsessed with this new adversary that realizes a stop at too short stands. Back on the track, so it forces the pace to catch up with three competitors Storm he loses control and suffers a terrible accident!

So he withdraws in Radiator Springs, where he no longer wears the color red or the name of its sponsor and spends his time moping in the garage fire Doc Hudson, his mentor he misses terribly and think back constantly to accident that ended his career. Finally, Sally manages to convince him to rejoin the race and it announces its Dusty and Rusty sponsors he is back in the competition.

He goes well at the new training center of the team Rust-eze, where the owners advertise it to fund this ultra-modern equipment, they had to sell their brand to a young billionaire, Sterling. The latter wants to put McQueen on the racetrack but requires it to be driven by Cruz Ramirez. Coach known for its sporting qualities preparer, she treats him as a person but the No. 95 wants to find the competition quickly. It undertakes force on the racing simulator ultra modern but is unable to control the installation and seriously damages. Flash then has an altercation with his new boss. This means thatin his likeness. Incensed, the rider an agreement with Sterling: he trains in his own way, far from the center, but will retire if he fails in the first race of the season in Florida .

Flash, accompanied him despite Cruz, then resumes training in the external environment, helped by Luigi and Guido. It first went on the beach Fireball, where he learned to Ramirez some basics of sporty driving since the latter fails to follow to measure its speed. After a day, he chooses to change course and both go to the Thunder Hollow circuit, where an amateur competition will take place. Mud covered with Luigi to avoid being recognized and registered under the name of “Chester Crankshaft” , Flash realizes too late that he is actually engaged in a demolition derby . This is Cruz board against his will in this fight cars under the pseudonym “Martine Laturbine”Who emerged victorious after Flash saved her Miss Fritter, a terrifying school bus . Following this, Flash is sprayed with water and camouflage disappears: it is then photographed with a sign “I messed my tires Thunder Hollow” , an image that makes the tour media .

On the way back, McQueen covers reproaches her coach, saying it made him lose his time. Sad and hurt, she reveals that she has never dreamed of being a coach but to become a race car like it. If she could never realize his dream is that by participating in the start of a race, she lost confidence in it just before the start and chose to forfeit. She decides to return to the single drive and share center in the direction opposite to that of Mack, Flash, Luigi and Guido.

Doubting himself after his training, Flash decided to take the road to the city of Thomasville where he hopes to find Smokey, mentor and former technical director Doc. He managed to regain first Cruz convince her to join him, while admitting that he does not even know if the mentor of his late mentor is still alive. Still alive, Smokey reveals McQueen after his terrible accident that definitely ruled out of the race car, the “Old Hud” wanted to race again, but the younger generation, more modern and faster, was forced to abandon the idea. So he retired to Radiator Springs no longer give news to his mentor. Smokey adds that : All spoke of Flash, its achievements and the pride of the former champion to be his coach.

Taking insurance, Flash trains on the old circuit where Thomasville Smokey and his cronies Scott River, Moon and Junior Louise Nash (all former riders) teach him all their wiles to win tickets and speed, since it is not the fastest car. After a final training where he was defeated by Ramirez, McQueen left for Florida and takes the start of the race. Beginning this, he hears the voice of Smokey, who took the role of technical director and provides good advice to Flash, with the help of Cruz. McQueen back gradually, having had to leave last. Sterling contacted him by radio to support it, but dark Flash again in his doubts. He hears his employer Cruz dismiss with contempt, saying it n ‘ is a competition car and ordering him to form a young car of the new generation for the next race. McQueen takes advantage of an incident on the circuit to return to the pits. While Martin immobilizes Sterling Flash persuades Ramirez to take his place on the circuit, since according to the rules of thePiston Cup , only the rider’s number account. Guido screwed him four tires new, Ramon quickly painted it a number “95” and she agrees to take part in the race.

Advised by Radio Flash, which now serves as technical director and reminds him what she learned at her side, she goes back to third place. Storm slows to its height and attempts to destabilize it, but McQueen reassured by explaining that it was Storm who cares since he voluntarily declined to talk to him. Cruz finds trust in her and goes back to the arrogant blue car. It pushes against the wall but it operates a somersault over his opponent, as Doc Hudson in his time. It thus wins the race and victory is also attributed to Flash since it was he who took the start as No. 95. Sterling, impressed by the performance of his coach, trying to keep it in theDinoco , the team that McQueen insisted seduce in the first game .

Soon after, Cruz Ramirez, who took over the legendary No. 51 of “Fabulous Hudson Hornet” , went on the Radiator Springs circuit where land throughout the city awaits. She finds McQueen, who took the opportunity to wear the blue and made of Doc Hudson flock his car slogan updated his mentor: “Fabulous McQueen” . On this occasion, Tex Dinoco announces that it has repurchased Rust-eze Sterling and leaves Flash wear the colors of his team always. The two friends then rush for a wild ride on the circuit where Doc formerly led the young rookie , to the cheers of the crowd.

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Cars 3 English and Hindi Dual Audio HD 720P

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Movie Size: 530 MB

Movie Language: English and Hindi (Dual Audio)

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