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Aladdin and The Return of Jafar Free Download 300MB

Return of Jafar ( in english. : The Return of Jafar and Aladdin: The Return of Jafar ) is a Disney cartoon movie Aladdin in 1994 completed a sequel. It is Disney’s first straight to video animated film released long and it runs way of starting Aladdin – animation series . The film is released in Finland as well as the VHS format or as a DVD special publication .

Return of Jafar Aladdin is the only film in which the English language as the voice of the Spirit does not work Robin Williams . In contrast, the role of the Spirit heard of Dan Castellaneta . Ghost in Finnish , in turn, is the voice of the first movie , Vesa-Matti Loirin instead Jope Ruonansuu , which continued as the voice of the Aladdin and the King of Thieves movie and animated series.

The film begins with a bandit hideout is back on the last raid. Just as the number of incompetent leader, Abis Mal ( Antti Pääkkönen ), decide to hold a majority of the number of stealing gold and treasures for themselves, Aladdin ( Sami Aarva ) and Abu steal the treasures back. Then Aladdin and Abu Flying to share most of the treasures of the Agraban the poor. Aladdin, however, considered a jewel in itself to give it to flower later, Jasmine ( Ulla Hakola ). Aladdin and Abu arrival back to the palace of Aladdin Jasmine says that the Sultan’s ( Veikko Honkanen ) is a surprise that it is going to tell them later for dinner.

Meanwhile, in the desert, Iago ( Seppo Pääkkönen ) manages to dig himself and Jafar ( Jarkko Rantanen ) of the lamp out of the sand, where the Spirit was the last film shot them. Jafar number of Iagon to release him immediately, but Iago is tired of being Jafari pompoteltavana and throw the lamp to a nearby drain. Then he returns to the Agrabaan hoping to convince Aladdin that Jafar made ​​him a slave to hypnosis. Aladdin does not believe the story of the parrot but try to capture this. Iagoa chasing Aladdin comes across Abis Mali and part of the robbers. Iago is missing, however, the course of events and to save Aladdin from the bandits. Aladdin Iagosta to change their views and bring this with them to the palace. The palace of Aladdin point again of the Spirit ( Jope Ruonansuu ), which is back-the-world, and is happy to see his friend again.

That evening, the Sultan declared its intention to make Aladdin a new Grand Vizier . Aladdin tries to present the alert, and to persuade the Sultan to give Iagolle sorry, but Iago accidentally destroys the dinner Rajah chasing him into the dining room. The Sultan and Jasmine are infuriated, and Jasmine leaves the dining room with a broken heart, because Aladdin had not trusted him and told Iagosta. Iagon using Aladdin still manages to be reconciled with Jasmine.

In the meantime, Jafaria kicks luck when Abis Mal finds her chance well. Because of Jafar is a spirit, he has to obey his master, and he can not act effectively in the hands of unqualified Abis Mali. Jafar thirsty for freedom, so that he could take revenge on Aladdin, but he has to do in order to get Abis cooperation with Mali. Jafar dupe Abis Malia, so that you will waste the first two wish that tells you this before you return to Agrabaan. Abis Mal himself, in turn, will be glad to help Jafaria, because he also wants to take revenge on Aladdin. Once inside the palace of Jafar reveals himself Iagolle and force this to work according to their plans. The next day, Aladdin and the Sultan depart from the palace to discuss one of the two States. Iago suggests to them a distant place of a waterfall’s edge. Aladdin and the Sultan’s departure, Jafar reveals himself to the Spirit and Abulle in the palace garden and engage them at the same time showing them great strength.

In the meantime, Aladdin and the Sultan will discuss that gets the value of the Sultan Aladdin more in the coming Grand Vizier. When Aladdin thank Iagoa, Abis Mal and flying horsemen disguised as agents of an ambush attack Jafar Aladdin and the Sultan’s attack. Sultan is captured, and, in turn, Aladdin is thrown under the furiously flowing into the river. Jafar Aladdin, however, does not die, because he wants it to survive, in order to take revenge for this, then what is the most torturous ways: by separating the beloved Aladdin. To this end, the Sultan Aladdin’s Jafar to stage the murder of the development of false evidence and camouflaged by Jasmin. Aladdin thrown into the dungeon, and he is sentenced to be executed at dawn.

In prison, Jasmine and others accuse Iagoa a traitor, but their hatred gives way quickly, Iago tries to free the Spirit, so that this, in turn, could save the Aladdin. Iago succeeds just in time, and saved the life of Aladdin frees the other. Once inside again against Jafar Aladdin decides to stop. The Spirit tells Aladdin that destroy Jafar Aladdin’s lamp to be destroyed by this. However, the lamp must be destroyed before Abis Mal gets to hope against Jafar. Iago decides to leave the battle in between, and others try to stop him.

Jafar and Abis Mal celebrate Aladdin’s death. Jafar asks Abis Malia use his last wish and release him, but Abis Mal begins to waver when visiting suspicious Jafaria point. Jafar and Abis Mali strife of the congregation Aladdin and Jafar are trying to steal the lamp, but Jafar finally discovers the intruders and turned them out of the throne room to the garden. Abis Mal gets stuck between the limbs and drop Jafar the lamp to the ground. Aladdin, Jasmine, the Spirit, and the magic carpet Abu Jafar attack to attack, but even if Jafar joutuukin to comply with the restrictions on the lamp life, he is still clearly too much of Aladdin and partners: Jafar enormous forces prevent anyone from getting anywhere near the lamp. In the end, Jafar forces cause the crack, so that the palace gardens created gorge filled with magma . Aladdin, Jasmine, Abu, and the Spirit will fall into the trap and the consequent danger to life, when Iago suddenly appears in the scene and captures Jafar the lamp. Jafar shoots Iagoa this seriously wounding his energy, but in spite of Iago manages to revive for a moment and kick the lamp last effort magma. Magma melts the lamp, resulting in an explosion killed Jafar dust clouds.

The enjoyment of all Iago recovers from his injuries, because the spirits of the lamp can not use her powers to kill. During this, Aladdin, however, inform the Sultan that he is not yet ready for the Grand Vizier, as he first wants to see the world. Jasmine Aladdin announces that they will, but Iago is not pleased with the decision of Aladdin’s, but it starts complaining loudly. In the meantime, more and more dependent puunoksassa Abis Mal is annoyed by the fact that he no longer saakaan of Jafar and the lamp had been destroyed in the third hoped to black.

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Aladdin and The Return of Jafar Free Download 300MB

Movie Language: English and Hindi (Dual Audio Files)

Movie Size 258 MB

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